Sara Ramos Pinto

Associate Professor in Translation Studies

Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies

University of Leeds

Subtitling Dialects

This project has four main stages:

STAGE 1. Collection and analysis of a corpus 

The aim of this initial descriptive analysis was to identify the most typical translation strategies and techniques used to translate linguistic varieties in book publications, theatre and subtitling in the context of English-Portuguese translation.

STAGE 2. Collection of empirical reception data

The aim of this second stage is to better understand the impact of specific strategies identified in Stage 1 on viewers' meaning-making process and evaluation of the subtitling.

STAGE 3. Development of a analytical framework

The aim of this second stage is to develop a new framework of analysis capable of taking into account the multimodal nature of audiovisual content and the fact that the subtitling of linguistic varieties and its impact cannot be fully understood when subtitles are analysed in isolation. 

STAGE 4. Development of industry resources

This stage aims at developing easy-to-use resources for translators to get better acquainted with the literature on this topic, the strategies and techniques identified and the data collected regarding the impact they have. The ultimate goal is to empower subtitlers to make more informed decisions regarding which strategy and technique is more adequate for the given situation they might have at hand.


Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Subtitling: The case on non-standard varieties

Sara Ramos Pinto, Aishah Mubaraki

Target: International Journal in Translation Studies, vol. 32(3), 2020, pp. 389–419

Ya care how me speaks, do ya? The translation of linguistic varieties and their reception


InTRAlinea, special issue on The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia, 2016

Texto dramático e Texto Teatral. As traduções portuguesas de Pygmalion de G. B. Shaw

Sara Ramos Pinto

Maria João Brilhante, Manuela Carvalho, Theatre and Translation: Contact Stage, Campo das Letras, 2008, pp. 189-208

Theoretical Texts vs Subtitling. Linguistic variation in a polymedial context

Sara Ramos Pinto

Mary Carroll, Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Sandra Nauert, MuTra: Audiovisual Translation Scenarios , 2007


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