Sara Ramos Pinto

Associate Professor in Translation Studies

Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies

University of Leeds


Academic positions

Visiting Fellow | Leiden University, The Netherlands

Associate professor in Translation Studies | University of Leeds, UK
Lecturer in Translation Studies | University of Leeds, UK

Marie Curie Post-doctoral ITN Fellow | University of Turku, Finland

Teaching Fellow in Portuguese and Translation | University of Manchester, UK
Assistant Lecturer in Portuguese | University of Kent, UK

Doctoral visiting fellow | UCL, UK

Doctoral visiting fellow | University of Turku, Finland

Doctoral student (funded by FCT)  University of Lisbon, Portugal and UCL, UK

Leadership and Management roles

Director of Postgraduate Student Education, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Programme Manager MA Audiovisual Translation and Localisation, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Programme Manager MA Conference Interpreting and Translation, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Director of the Centre for Translation studies, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Research subject leader, Centre for Translation Studies, Univ. of Leeds (UK)
Board member of ESIST
Advisory board member of ATAV
Organiser of 11th EST congress 2025, June 30-July 3, Univ of Leeds (with C. Walker)
Int. board member of CETRA:  Centre for Translation Studies, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Editor of Translation, Interpreting and Mediation book series, Leuven Univ. Press
Research collaborator at the Centre for Anglophone Studies, Univ. of Lisbon
Research Mentor, University of Leeds (UK)
External examiner in UK: UCL, Aston University, Univ. of Nottingham, Univ. of Banghor
REF external assessor, University of Aberdeen (UK)
Reviewer (TARGET, Perspectives, The Translator, JAT, among others)


PhD in Translation Studies, 2010 - Univ. of Lisbon (Portugal)
Post-graduate degree in Comparative Literature, 2004 - Univ. of Lisbon (Portugal)
BA in Modern Languages and Literatures, 2003, Univ. of Lisbon (Portugal) 

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